"There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it."
Dr. Maria Montessori

Friday, April 26, 2013


Saturday May 11th 
from 6 to 8pm
at the Libertine Bar,  
2101 Greenville Avenue Dallas 75206

A $15 donation at the doors gets you delicious snacks, drinks and hanging 
out with other very fun current and past LPCS parents. All proceeds go to 
the non-profit organization, Way Into Music, that has provided and continues 
to provide fantastic music and voice lessons every week to our elementary 
school children, free of charge. That’s right!  Our Way Into Music teachers
(Amy and Marc) have donated their time and talents to our children and now 
we have a chance to give a little back. www.wayintomusic.com

This activity is for adults only, please do not bring children.

This event is for current and alumni parents of LPCS...we hope to continue this 
event each year as a way to strengthen our current and past LPCS community.
Printed invitations will not always be possible to send out so to make sure you 
don’t miss any future LPCS alumni information please email 
alumni@edcschool.org with subject line “add me to the alumni list”

Additionally, please check the LPCS facebook page for updates: