"There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it."
Dr. Maria Montessori

Thursday, October 13, 2011

2012 Refresher Course and Workshops

Every year the national Montessori group offers what they call a 'refresher course' for teachers over the Presidents' Day weekend in February.  This year, they are offering workshops for parents as well. The event will be held in Fort Worth and the parent workshop will be given by Donna Goertz.  Mr. Loew and many others at LPCS are very familiar with Ms. Goertz and her work.  Ms. Goertz is the author of the book Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful.  She comes highly recommended!  

Mark your calendars and perhaps visit www.amiusa.org or email annenbailey@gmail.com to learn more about this event.  We will keep you updated on this event and remind you about it in the months to come.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't forget the GARAGE SALE

Save the Date--October 15
Please remember to ask your family, friends and neighbors for
items to sell at the LPCS Garage Sale.  All proceeds go to the
Parent Organization for the school and anything not sold
will be donated to the Salvation Army.  Please drop your
items off at LPCS and/or contact
Vicky Salazar at 972-485-5143

Thanks for your help!!!!!!!