"There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it."
Dr. Maria Montessori

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The following event looks to be like a wonderful and informative time for all parents.  Typically, these montessori workshops have not included parents--so this is very special one.  Please visit http://amiusa.org/5250-2 to read up on the keynote address and the accomplished lecturer, Paola Trabalzini.  The event takes place over the weekend of February 17th in Fort Worth.  Besides the keynote address which is open to the public on Friday the 17th., there is also a schedule for a Parents Workshop listed below.  For further thoughts or information, please contact Tom Lowe.

Saturday, February 18
Parents Workshop Schedule
9:00 - noon
Lecture Session
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Lecture Session
4:45 - 5:45 p.m.
Open Meeting With the AMI/USA Board

Lyin’, Cheatin’ and Stealin’
Why We Don’t Even Allow Our- selves to Think About Our Own Children’s Behavior in Those Terms
Donna Bryant Goertz
It takes time for children to realize that they cannot make something become so simply because they say it is so. After all, children hear adults say all manner of outlandish things. It must seem to children that those nearly unimaginable things are true simply because the adult has said so. Donna Bryant Goertz’s presentation discusses these urgent, delicate, and complex issues for parents.
Beyond Bullies and Victims
Eliminating Those Destructive Roles and Labels
Donna Bryant Goertz
Temperaments and personalities, and therefore behaviors and rela- tionships, vary dramatically from child to child. Donna Bryant Goertz explores how we can build a family and a community that refuses to cast children in roles or to define their behavior and relationships destructively.
Donna Bryant Goertz
is the author of
Children Who Are Not Yet Peaceful: Prevent- ing Exclusion in the Early Elementary Classroom.

Hope to see you there!

patient peaceful