"There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it."
Dr. Maria Montessori

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Get on the Bus!

Texas Charter Schools Parent Rally

Get on the Bus! South Steps of the Capitol, Austin
Wednesday, May 4, 2011 1:00pm—2:00 pm This event is FREE for Texas charter school parents & supporters!
Take a stand for your school by rallying with other charter school parents and supporters! Together, Let’s show lawmakers how important charter schools are to Texas families.

School Contact: LPCS– David Pryor Email: davidmpryor@yahoo.com & david.pryor@bnsf.com Phone: 214.826.9291
Bus Pick Up Time: LPCS—7:30 am Location: LPCS

Child care provided for children enrolled at LPCS for our participating parents until the bus returns.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


If you have a second or third grader attending LPCS, please come to the mandatory meeting for parent volunteers.  The volunteers help to organize the ceremony and make it the most wonderful event of the year.  The meeting will begin promptly at 6:30!  If you absolutely can't make it, contact Sandy Bracy (sandybracy@gmail.com) or Sarah Tippetts (sarah.tippetts@gmail.com) to volunteer your efforts.

Although third grade parents will be asked to do the bulk of the work, we are all needed to ensure that the event is a success.

See you there!