Presented in partnership with
with Dr. Steven J. Hughes |
School 2.
March 5, 2012 - 7:00-9:00 p.m.
At: Clark Conference Center, University of Texas at Dallas 800 W. Campbell Road, Richardson, TX \
Admission: $20 per person ($15 for students with ID) Tickets with Parking Pass must be purchased in advance Space is limited - Buy your ticket today! with Dr. Steven J. HughesPresident, American Academy arch Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone over 100 years ago, yet would have recognized any telephone in use for most of the 20th century. It was only a few years ago that ‘Telephone 1.0’ was replaced by mobile phones and Bluetooth gadgets–the world of ‘Telephone 2.0’. For all our technical progress, education throughout the world predominantly follows a ‘School 1.0’ model. Indeed, the basic features of Teacher, Learner, and Curriculum would all be familiar to Plato or Socrates were they to reappear today. However, life and work in the 21st century have placed increasing pressure on the School 1.0 model. What should young people be learning (or learning to do) to experience successful, happy–indeed interesting–lives in the 21st century? Can traditional school give young people what they need, or is it time to rethink education–to consider ‘School 2.0’? What does neuroscience tell us? Will the role of teachers change? What will students do? Will School 2.0 be as unrecognizable to us now as a Bluetooth earpiece would be to Bell? This presentation explores the challenges faced by educators in the 21st century, and considers some promising approaches that are setting the stage for School 2.0., 20
Clark Conference Center
University of Texas at Dallas
800 W. Campbell Road, Richardson, TX 75080
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone over 100 years ago, yet would have recognized any telephone in use for most of the 20th century. It was only a few years ago that ‘Telephone 1.0’ was replaced by mobile phones and bluetooth gadgets–the world of ‘Telephone 2.0’. For all our technical progress, education throughout the world predominantly follows a ‘School 1.0’ model. Indeed, the basic features of Teacher, Learner, and Curriculum would all be familiar to Plato or Socrates were they to reappear today. However, life and work in the 21st century have placed increasing pressure on the School 1.0 model. What should young people be learning (or learning to do) to experience successful, happy–indeed interesting–lives in the 21st century? Can traditional school give young people what they need, or is it time to rethink education–to consider ‘School 2.0’? What does neuroscience tell us? Will the role of teachers change? What will students do? Will School 2.0 be as unrecognisable to us now as a bluetooth earpiece would be to Bell? This presentation explores the challenges faced by educators in the 21st century, and considers some promising approaches that are setting the stage for School 2.0.
Admission $20 per person. Students $15 with I.D.
Tickets must be purchased in advance. A parking pass is required in order to park on the UTD campus, and will be provided with your online registration. After March 2nd, guests may still purchase admission tickets online and will need to stop at the UTD visitor center to obtain a parking pass.