"There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it."
Dr. Maria Montessori

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Congratulations Lindsley Park

East Dallas Community Schools' Lindsley Park campus has been awarded the 2011 Educational Achievement Award from the American Psychoanalytic Association.
"I cannot think of any award that I am more proud of than this one, which recognizes our work in supporting children's emotional well-being," said Terry Ford, executive director. "Since its founding in 1978, a founding principle of EDCS has been that emotional well-being is the key to providing our students with a foundation for success."
The national award is given to schools that further "psychoanalytically informed" work with pre-K through 12th grade educators, schools and students. East Dallas Community Schools offer free play-therapy sessions to children dealing with emotional or behavioral problems.
"Children may not be able to talk about their worries, so they communicate them through their play," said Carol Wolfe, a licensed counselor who leads the play-therapy sessions. "In the presence of an accepting adult and through the children's play, youngsters can come to face and master previously debilitating anxieties and fears. Then a child is better able to learn and work cooperatively in the classroom."
Child psychoanalysts B. James Bennett and Sarah Rabb Bennett also provide pro bono consultations with teachers to help them understand children dealing with emotional or behavioral problems.
East Dallas Community Schools operate in mostly low-income neighborhoods and use the Montessori approach to education, which is based on a child's natural instinct to learn.
In 2010, the Lindsley Park campus scored higher on the TAKS test in math and reading than the same grade level in Dallas ISD, and the campus is in the top 17 percent of Texas schools that were rated exemplary.
Representatives from East Dallas Community Schools and Lindsley Parkwill accept the award Jan. 13 in New York.
Copyright (c) 2011, The Dallas Morning News

Wednesday notes

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Cultural Festival

The Cultural Festival was a wonderful part of our holiday season this year.  Ms. Sandya's class enthusiastically presented the school with a multi-cultural program honoring celebrations from all over the world.  The class sang and danced with such heart, we were all entertained and educated immensely.  Thank you Ms. Sandya and Ms. Elizabeth for all of your hard work.  It is much appreciated and admired.