"There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it."
Dr. Maria Montessori

Monday, November 7, 2011

If you cut it---it will grow...

Our Garden is in need of clippings, rain barrels and just a few helping hands.  Please if you have time and or plants/flowers that we could use at the school---You Would Be Loved Even More!

Dana Schumm is working hard to make the garden beautiful but needs our help.  I am totally new to the whole cutting of plants/flowers but I have been told it's so easy.  We just stick it in the garden and it will grow.  Contact Dana if you would like to help out by sharing some clippings or gardening hours.

Fourth Grade Options

Fourth Grade Options:
Choices for your Child After Lindsley Park....

The choices for your children when they leave Lindsley Park after third grade are numerous. But admission to many public schools, like charter schools or Vanguard schools within the Dallas Independent School District, requires planning, submission of evaluations, and – sometimes – testing. The procedures are much like admission to private schools. Now is the time to plan for this important transition in your child’s school life. This program is especially for parents of third grade children at Lindsley Park and East Dallas, but all parents are welcome.

When: Wednesday, November 9th, 6:30 PM 
Where: Mary Loew’s elementary classroom, LPCS