"There can be no substitute for work, neither affection nor physical well-being can replace it."
Dr. Maria Montessori

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So Many Seeds...So Little Time

Spring is Here (or just around the corner)!

The LPCS Teachers recently met with Texas Discovery Garden's very own Erin and Randy who gave them each valuable instruction on the caring for the LPCS Garden.  Additionally, they also sent each teacher back with some beautiful starter plants.  Partnering with Texas Discovery Garden is the beginning of a wonderful relationship that everyone is very excited about!

We are hoping that the enthusiasm continues to spread and brings us all under the gardening spell.  The teachers need our assistance to help their classes make the garden special and their very own.  Please contact your child's teacher and let them know that you are available to help!

Flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get and we so want for the LPCS Garden to thrive...